Fascinating! Do you know if any books have been written on Weimar restaurants or museum exhibits? Would love to see more images of these fabulous places. That top image with the pneumatic tube basket is amazing!

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Fascinating! Do you know if any books have been written on Weimar restaurants or museum exhibits? Would love to see more images of these fabulous places. That top image with the pneumatic tube basket is amazing!

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Mel Gordon's Voluptuous Panic has a chapter, complete with photos, devoted to the restaurants of Weimar Berlin. But, other than that, not much has been written on them specifically, alas!

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Oooh! I found a copy online and am reading that chapter. Fascinating work! Thanks for the recommendation! And while it's sad more has not been written on the topic, that just means there's room for other writers to do the work.

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That is indeed true! Glad you found the book helpful!

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